Pam The Goose
Bye, talk ;-(
You've kept me going through thick and thin. Kept me in this world when the
specialists agreed I should have gone to the next.
I'll always remember you and hope where us talkers meet in the future can be
as comforting and welcoming as you have been.
Thanks for many, many years of fun and for finding me some really great
friends I can meet in real life and talk to even though some of them are 40
years younger than me.
I wonder why you're being left here to sit without any new posts, maybe it's
so your posts can be kept for future generations to read. Nice thought,
though you could disappear the minute something goes wrong with you.
Probably *will* disappear as soon as something goes wrong :-(
Still, thanks for your care. If we had our way you'd still be functioning.
Pam the goose
Authored by Hyphen
Copyright © 2005-2015